Control tower at Savannakhet (L-39), 1972
Control tower detail. Note the low-tech communication (a green "GO" sign hung out the window) and the cows in the foreground. Col. Concy,...

Close Call on the Tarmac
Lt. Bounthiem, having forgotten to lower his flaps, landed going too fast, ran out of runway, and turned onto the main parking ramp,...

Long Tieng: Personal Stories
Looking southeast from the CIA compound. The building on the left contains newly constructed quarters. When it was finished, the CIA gave...

The Hmong Heroic Squadron Commander and Wing T-28 Fighter Pilot
In this news clip, CPK Vang Sue uses tactics that the Chao Pha Khao developed from their combat experience. The battle field required the...

RLAF CPK pilots were known to fly high number of sorties per day.
The following recollections was provided by Toufong Vang, the son of Maj. Vang Sue who was killed in action in the line of duty on...