Sikorsky UH-34D

From 1964 until the early 'seventies, a total of 42 Sikorsky UH-34D's were supplied to the RLAF. Twenty-four are said to have been transferred from the VNAF, with the remaining being either former Air America or CIC helicopters. During the early 'sixties, the helicopter force of the RLAF was in its infancy, with only a few French Alouette II & III's being in service. The UH-34D provided an airlift capacity and mobility for the Royal Lao armed forces. However, as Air America and USAF helicopters conducted transport as well as SAR missions over Laos, the RLAF UH-34D force was underutilized. By the 1973 Paris Peace Treaty, 21 RLAF UH-34D's were transferred to the RTAF, with two more being delivered to the Philippines. At least four were lost, including one on October 25, 1970.