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3 Hero fighter pilots that graduated to fly the C123K from Air America

The one on ur right is Maj. Chanthasone Phanith , Chanpheng Phanid's Older brother . He passed away in Paris, France. Next to him in the middle is Maj Touane Norinh. He is currently in home care in Saint Petersburg, Florida. Then there is the "Vietcong KILLER", Sayfa Thongsavanh , who is enjoying the time of his life in the USA .

The following is an excerpt written by Sayfa Thongsavanh about a few recollections that he had........... Sayfa Thongsavanh Keung K. Kounlavong . One day 12 C123k flew to PHONHSAVANH to pickup our prisoners of war , 60 of them in each Airplane. I was one of Captain pilot to fly one back to Vientiane . Incidentally one of my left propeller engine failed after took off 5 minutes . I have to shut it down and fly back with one propeller engine but I kept both jets running . I decided not to landed back in PHONHSavanh because this friendly prisoners sure want to get home . I looked back to see them no one worry and concerned about one engine was not turned because they didn't know anything about the flight . I radioed to Vientiane Tower I flew back with one engine , when I landed fire truck been prepared to run on my side after my plane touch down . Some time it is good not to know some things than you careless . Like foreigners said bad words against you but you can't understand and careless . Thankfully to our Bravely Heroes fighters pilots and XRLAF members who had been risked our life every day . 3 One more story of my life . Back in Parse 1972 . Fly C47 night gunships (SPOOKY BIRD ) . Because I was leader of T28 fighters pilots since 1965 to 1967 . I known every mountains and rivers from Napai Thakek always down to Attapeu . One night I was Captain of Spooky bird out to support friendly ground troops in Saravanh area . 5 minutes before getting to Saravanh been radio contacted with ground troops . Suddenly over 50 tracers of anti Aircraft came up all over around my aircraft . Soon I seen inter command with load masters in the rear aircraft to keep dropping flare none stop then I started decent almost 200 feet about the trees , but I still seeing below light and clear . Heading 270 out , took me 3 minutes riskiest time to get out of the area . Landed at Pakse , all the crews thanked me . I said I am not just save your life , I save my life too . Few nights later 1 C130 US Gunship got shot down in same area because hight you fly will be good target with slow flight aircrafts . Saluted to all bravery Heroes fighters pilots and crews members to risk the life to protect Freedom

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