Lt. Phoubane Phommasen

Lt. Phoubane Phommasen, known to everyone as P. Bane. Like Sodarath, he was a T-28 pilot with a lot of expeience (2,400 missions), and he was the second RLAF FAC in MR-III. His callsign as a FAC was Nok Ka Tenh 302. He made it to the United States after the war, and he died a couple of years ago in Iowa at age 71.
P. Bane as a T-28 pilot. His performance matched the attitude you see here. As far as I know, he was afraid of nothing (except his Wing Commander, Colonel Concy.) As a FAC he routinely looked for targets using the technique known to the Americans as trolling for groundfire. As he explained to me, "I fly low and slow and straight so they think maybe I'm asleep." It was dangerous but effective. One day some poor devil on the ground couldn't resist the temptation and squeezed off a clip of AK-47 rounds in P. Bane's general direction (missing him, fortunately). P. Bane swooped down for a closer look and found a quite substantial enemy encampment well concealed under the jungle canopy. He ordered up a flight of T-28s and bombed it -- to good effect from the RLAF point of view.
Summary and picture courtesy of Charles Felsenthal.